Thursday 29 March 2012

What are infographics?

Above is an inforgraphic on inforgraphics with a novelty approach. The piece gives an insight in to the details and images needed for a successful infographic and how to create one.

Infographics are visual presentations of information that use the elements of design to display content. Infographics express complex messages to viewers in a way that enhances their comprehension. Images are often an extension of the content of a written article, but infographics convey a self-contained message or principle.

When a complex piece of information needs to be described quickly, precisely and clearly, a graphic is suitable. Infographics are used for signs, maps and data presentations. Scientists, technical writers, mathematicians, educators and statisticians ease the process of developing, organizing, recording and communicating conceptual information by using infographics.

To communicate a message, To present a lot of data or information in a way that is compact and easy to comprehend, To analyze data in order to discover cause-and-effect relationships, To periodically monitor the route of certain parameters.