Monday 11 June 2012


I started off by researching the basics of an infographic (what they are, what they're used for and what they contain) which naturally led me to research vast amounts of different infographics that varied in subjects, styles, layouts and colours. I particularly enjoyed researching all the different styles of infographics as it was very eye opening due to my lack of knowledge on the subject of infographics. By researching a variety of infoographics briefly it allowed me to quickly grasp the subject and its practicality. Because of my lack of knowledge most infographics i researched were inspiring in various ways, some colour schemes inpired me, some used illustrations, some were type based, some were clean and simple etc...

I haven't researched any particular artists for this project as there isnt that many specific artists that solely create infographics, therefore i found it easier to get the majority of my research came from a webiste called Most infographics featured on this webiste are created by design agencies for companies that serve a purpose rather than to be works of art.

I found the most influential infographic i came across was the wordpress infographic created by Studio Muti. The infographic contained a vast variation of different methods on how to illustrate facts and statistics. I particularly found the pie charts interesting, it inspires me how they managed to keep it fresh and new for every pie chart but also made sure they tied in and all came together to create a uniform infographic rather than a mash up of bar and pie charts that have been forced together. I think the secret to its sucess was key features each pie chart had in common, they all used the same font and all used the same weighted lines, as well as the colour scheme.

I then went on to develop samples that were inspired by my infographic research but mainly by the wordpress and that's ADV baby infographic. For my samples i used a statistic i found on the internet about recyclling, particularly paper usage in the United States compared to the rest of the world. For my first samples i created 3D bar and pie charts experiment with paper and wood because of its relation to the statistic and its ease to create and manipulate, these samples sparked ideas in my head of creating one big 3D infographic made out of different materials. However, time issues and also relating it to typography which i stated i would create an inforgaphic on in my statement of intent created difficulties thus putting me off the idea.

I then went on to sample digitally, mainly influence by the wordpress infographic. I created a selection of bar and pie charts that varied in style but could all be related together if needed, these i hoped would be the basis for my final infograph as they were very basic, but could easily be developed further by combination and also a variety of colour schemes. I did eventually develop them a tad further by experimenting with colour schemes influenced by previous research but also colour suggested to me in my group critiques. 

Once i felt i had undertaken a sufficient amount of sampling that would then allow me to develop my ideas into final infographic sections i set about gathering primary information that i could convey in my infographic. After hours of discussions and much deliberation i came to the conclusion that i was struggling to collate primary research on typography i.e statistics, views and facts. I saw this as a major downfall in my project as i said in my statement of intent my final infographic would be based on typographic information obtained by myself. However, after a group critique somebody suggested i did a basic survey of the class because the data was easy to collect, quick and easy. This fit perfect within my time frame and suited the project more than typography did, therefore in a review i explained why i veered away from my original statement. 

I found the time plan i created to be very helpful during in the early stages of my final major project as it gave me guidence and i could easily refer back to it if i seemed lost or falling off track. However, during the late stages of the project i fell behind by a week because of my excessive research i undertook set me back some time and also when i got stuck in a rut about what subject to illustrate in my final infographic.

I quickly threw together a survey, asking the basic questions age, gender, subject area etc... This enabled me to set about transforming the raw figures into the final infographic, all the final bar and pie charts you see all stemmed from my early samples and developed heavily adding colour, details and text. The reason for just developing samples was the ease, because the process of starting from scratch would have taken far too long as it's a time consuming process. 

I initially set out with the intentions to create a piece of design that was pleasing on the eye but also interested my audience, enabling them to read and understand my infographic with ease. I believe my final infographic meets all these targets because it has been proven through group critiques undertaken throughout the final few weeks. 

My final inforgraphic exceeds all expectations i had, i particularly enjoy the clean simple look i have achieved by using bold shapes, minimalistic contrasting colours and a well spaced layout. My favorite aspect of the infographic is the map at the bottom because ones attention is instantly drawn towards it and provokes interest. I believe the key to its success is the size, however because i've used grey rather than black to fill the map it doesn't detract from the remainder of the infographic.

Even though i didn't stick to the subject brief i was set i believe i done my chosen topic justice and could easily see this on an infographic website due to it's professional aesthetics.


Below are a variation of colour schemes i'm experimenting with, i will then turn to my peers and class mates for their personal opinions. Their opinions will influence my final decision but not dictate it because at the end of the day it is my own final piece and it should also be what i find aesthetically beautiful and works well.

The response from my peers was that they were drawn towards the white backgrounded infograpics accompanied with a bright colour especially the pink, orange and the original colour. They also liked the black backgrounded ones because of the contrast with the bright colours.

Myself i prefer the orange one and the original coloured infographic. I'm more drawn towards the orange infographic as it's less harsh on the eyes, however, because i have used the original and just changed the colour by using bucket fill but it pixelised my images for some unknown reason. This means i have to stick with my original copy, but luckily the original colour is my favourite and works the best. 


Wednesday 30 May 2012


Below are the early development stages towards my final infographic, they're all based on research and samples i have developed into my own over the course of this project. Initially i will just create the basic data representation model for each section and lay over text later on when i start to bring all the components together to create the full infographic. I will keep the same colour scheme i used in my samples based on 'bikes can save us', however, once the whole infographic has come together i intend to experiment with different colour schemes inspired by research but also colours suggested to me in group crits. 
Above are the gender ratios i sampled previous to this, i decided to go with the 3D / shadow models because of the depth and texture they add to the piece, i believe it adds more interest to the infographic as its not flat. However, because i have chosen to add the shadow / 3D effect it means i'm going to have to follow suit and add it to every model i decide to create or else it may look rather odd.
This again is based on a previous sample on pie charts. I believe it is the cleanest looking pie chart out of my samples because of the simple tidy lines coming off the pie and how the numbers are displayed neatly in the circles. Most of the key features of the section are inspired by the wordpress infographic i previously researched.

The infographic above was inspired by collaborating all 3 of my bar chart samples into one, i used the striped pattern from the top one, the line and circle pointer from the second bar chart and the overall layout of the piece from the bottom sample. Again the majority of my inspiration for this bar chart was gained from the wordpress infographic as it was the most inpiring due to its variety of data diagrams but also because it was one of the more aesthetically pleasing infographic i researched.

I believe this hybrid bar chart i've created is perfect for its role to display the different ages in the class because there is a variation in age, thus meaning there are different lengths not only from the bar charts but from the pointers which showcases the variety of key design features. 

Above is another pie chart inspired by the wordpress infographic, i believe this is the most successful pie chart i have included in my infographic. I believe the key to its success is the separate segments rather than having it all on one big pie chart.
To illustrate the ratio of people who are attending university against the people who aren't i decided to adapt and customise my gender ratio sample that i'm using. I layered the figures on top of each other to add more dimension to the infographic but to also differ it from the original gender ratio as i want every section of my infographic to be unique and fresh. I decided to add the gender to the ratio aswell to make it even more accurate.

I really like how this section turned out, i prefer it to the original gender ratio probably because of the layyering. I originally thought it would be too much, too cluttered for my infographic but i spaced it perfectly allowing enough white background for it to be clean but not too white and boring. I believe style wise it fits in well with the rest of my pieces and will all come together to create one uniform infographic.

Above is another bar chart based on previous samples, this time i decided to mix things up a bit and turn it upside down. I believe this gives the bar chart a fresh unique look, it also gets rid of empty white space that appears at the top of a bar chart due to the variation in the size of the bars. When talking with the other graphic designer in my class she said she preferred the bar chart upside down as 'it was different and was also practial'. Also after a short discussion we both came to the conclusion that the titles and numbers should be placed at the bottom as the staggered bars made it more interesting rather than a straight line of information.

Above is a late addition to my infographic, it is a map that is used to illustrate the different locations where people are going to study. This idea cropped up during a group crit, and was actually given to me by an illustrator, i then developed the idea further by adding pointers inspired by google maps but adding numbers in them to show how many are going where. I will develop this further by adding a key at the side of all the university names and the quantity of people going. I believe this could be one of the main features of my infogrpahic due to the size of it, however, i don't find it too big it detracts from the rest of the infographic.


The sampling i did previously took a lot longer than i expected, therefore i have to make a decision whether or not to continue sampling using the data i collated when i undertook a class survey. I am also struggling to find a subject that i would find easy to collect more primary research, therefore i have come to the conclusion to actually use the information i collected for my samples for my final designs.


Above are colour samples of the figure symbols, they're basically the same colour schemes as my previous samples inspired by 'bikes can save us'. However, this time i experimented with a black background which makes the turquoise even more vibrant and jump off the screen, also i believe the black background doesn't strain the eyes as much as the white one does.

I have then gone on to experiment with more colours that don't really relate to my previous research but have been suggested in group crits. A fellow graphic designer suggested that i should maybe relate the colours to the sexes, for example; blue for boys and a more coral like colour for girls as opposed to the traditional pink. I think the colour selection gives the stereotypical boy and girl colour scheme a more modern bold fresh look, and accompanied with the bold black outline that segregates colour seems to be a great partnership.