Thursday 19 April 2012

CASE STUDY 10- Disegno industriale III

 This infographic was created by Alessia Agostini, Nadia Ceruti and Stefania Capellupo to "Present the course of Industrial Design in visual communication, currently held at the Politecnico di TorinoThe layout, pictograms and infographics were created specifically to communicate the values ​​and content of the course to new students". This infographic isn't like any others i have previously looked at, it isn't displaying mass amounts of information on one page but instead each piece of information has been neatly displayed on a separate page. The style of the infographic is very simplistic and minimal using only black and white, the main feature of the inforgraphic is conveying information through the symbols/illustrations.

I love the idea of using the symbols to put across information, even though the text above the symbols is in Italian i still have a general understanding of what each section is about due to the unersal language of images. I hope to incoporate something similar into mine after further research, sampling and development.
