Thursday 19 April 2012

CASE STUDY 8- Studio Muti, wordpress

Studio Muti from a survey by WooThemes to find out what designers and developers want from WordPress, they used their findings from over 2000 users to create this infographic. I find this infographic aesthetically beautiful down to every minute detail. The way the figures are conveyed through a variety of different styled bar and pie charts makes boring information visually attractive. This infographic is the best inspiration i have come across for pie charts and bar charts as the majority of infographics i have researched previously have mainly contained illustrations and used those to convey information. I love every single feature of this infographic, the dull simple colour scheme, the choice of font and point size, the layout, the illustrations, not using black outlines that would have cheapened the piece, the banners, the variety of methods to convey information... This is by far the easiest to understand and the most aesthetically pleasing infographic i have come across during my research.