Wednesday 18 April 2012

CASE STUDY 7- Forensic Science not guilty

Forensic Science created this infographic to inform about "The tragedy of wrongful conviction in the US and the DNA evidence that frees them". This infographic has a couple of key features that really appeal to me, one of them being the DNA strand that features down the centre for the majority of the infographic. It's good how they've made the DNA strand in to some form of link/path to key parts of information and how well it fits due to its relationship with the subject.

Another key inspiration for me is the colour scheme, the way the designer has successfully used a dark black background accompanied with contrasting bold white illustrations and text. I believe its success is down to the clean simple lines of the text and illustrations but also the small bursts of red mean the infographic doesn't become too much of a bore and attracts attention to parts meaning no key information is missed out.