Wednesday 30 May 2012


I have began to create a few samples with the results from my survey, above i have experimented with symbols to represent gender as well as various ways i can organise the symbols. The symbols weren't really inspired by anything they were just the first thing came to mind when thinking about gender with a fellow graphic designer. However, the layouts were inspired by 'bikes can save us', they use a ratio layout to show the proportion of fat people against those who ride bikes, i find it a very simple way to illustrate the difference in numbers between the sexes. 

I'm not really a big fan of the sex symbols as to me they just don't fit in and somewhat resemble flowers, but the human figure symbols fit the role perfectly and are easy to distinguish between the two genders. I then went on to further experiment by creating outlines and using just them, the inspiration for this was again 'bikes can save us'. The outlines actually make the figures stand out even due to the thin contrasting lines creating some sort of glow instead just a bold mass of colour.