Thursday 10 May 2012

SAMPLE- digital pie charts

Above is another sample, this time digital and based on a variety of ways to convey statistics via pie charts. Again they've been developed from sketches in my reflective journal that were inspired by the 'wordpress' infographic because of the mass amounts of visual data representation. The pie charts display the same paper product usage statistic as the previous samples have.

Once my sketches had been transformed from my journal into digital drawings i laid out my samples in an infograph style presentation. I then set about experimenting with colour schemes based on my previous infographic research. For this sample i kept the colour scheme pretty simple and based it on the 'bikes can save us' because that came up being the most popular colour scheme in a group crit. 

I think all the pie charts worked out very well but i particularly like the third pie chart sample because of the split segments and the thin lines coming off the chart giving it a technical feel to it and a clean fresh look. Also the third colour scheme is the most successful to me because it comes across as the most bold out there scheme, probably due to the highly contrasting black and cream accompanied with strong bursts of teal. This is also proved the most successful scheme in group crits with my fellow graphic designer.