Thursday 10 May 2012

SAMPLE- 3D wood models

Again these samples are inspired by the 'that's ADV baby' infographic and my 3D paper models below. I have used the same statistic to illustrate but this time used wood to create the infographic because i wanted to experiment with different types of media. It all involves the same process as my previous; planning and development in my reflective journal, executing the idea, finally photographing it and layering over the statistic digitally.

I prefer the wooden models to the paper ones as they're a lot more cleaner around the edges and look more professional, also the texture of the wooden charts adds more depth and character to the infograph as opposed to the paper one. Even though the wooden one looks a whole lot better than the paper one i still think the paper sample works best, due to its relation to the infographic title, which is a key component to an infographic.